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Journal of Population Sciences

Table 1 Summary of death registration sources for the six selected Latin American countries in 2020

From: Investigating regional excess mortality during 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in selected Latin American countries


Data source

Place of death registration

Area studied

Periodicity of data availabilitya

Smallest geographical coverage

Data qualityb


Ministry of Health

Place of residence

27 federal states

Yearly data available since 1979

Municipality level

90–99% coverage of death counts


Ministry of Health

Place of residence

16 regions

Yearly data available since 1955

Municipality level

90–99% coverage of death counts


National Ecuadorian Statistical Office

Place of residence

24 provinces

Yearly data available since 1961

Municipality level

80–89% coverage of death counts


National Registry of Persons

Place of residence

22 departments

Yearly data available since 2009

Municipality level

94% coverage of death counts


Secretariat of Health

Place of residence

32 federal states

Yearly data available since 1955

Municipality level

90–99% coverage of death counts


Ministry of Health

Place of residence

25 departments

Yearly data available since 1966

Municipality level

50–74% coverage of death counts

  1. aThe year that each country started to collect death information is from the World Health Organization
  2. bBased on the United Nations Demographic Yearbook Vital Statistics Questionnaire (United Nations Statistics Division) for the following years: 2017 (Brazil), 2020 (Chile), 2020 (Ecuador), 2007 (Guatemala), 2020 (Mexico), and 2015 (Peru)