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Journal of Population Sciences

Table 1 Description of variables

From: Movers and stayers in STEM enrollment in Italy: who performs better?




 = 1 for female; = 0 for male


 = 1 if grade ≥ of 75th percentile of the HS grade distribution; = 0 otherwise

Classic Lyceum (%)

 = 1 if Classic Lyceum; = 0 otherwise

Scientific Lyceum (%)

 = 1 if Scientific Lyceum; = 0 otherwise

Other HS (%)

 = 1 if other HS; = 0 otherwise


 = 1 if a student obtained his or her secondary education degree later than the year after the end of high school; = 0 otherwise


 = 1 if a student changes his or her degree program during the first year of attendance; = 0 otherwise

Stayers from south

 = 1 stayers in southern regions; = 0 otherwise

Movers from south

 = 1 movers from southern regions; = 0 otherwise

Stayers from N/C

 = 1 stayers in the north and central regions; = 0 otherwise

Movers from N/C

 = 1 movers from northern/central regions; = 0 otherwise