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Journal of Population Sciences

Table 5 Data needs to project households and living arrangements using the ProFamy extended cohort-component method, with a comparison to standard population projections

From: Impacts of family household dynamics on residential energy demands in Hebei Province of China

Contents of the needed data for the projections

ProFamy household projection




(1) Baseline population of starting year of projection at national or sub-national level

(a) A census micro sample or population register or an exceptionally large survey data file with only a few needed demographic variables, including sex, age, marital/union status, relationship to the householder, and whether living in a private or institutional household;

(b) Published 100% census tabulations of age–sex-specific (and marital status-specific if possible) distributions of the entire population, and aggregated numbers of households

√ (and a few more available variables from

census micro



(2) Age–sex-specific standard schedules at the national level (can be used for projections at sub-national and county/city levels), estimated by ProFamy R software DemoRates using commonly available data of demographic surveys or census micro file

Estimated  by ProFamy

R software DemoRates or or standard statistical software.


(a) Age–sex-(and marital-status if possible)-specific mortality rates;



(b) Age–sex-specific rates of international immigration and emigration, or age–sex-specific rates of international net-migration;



(c) Age–sex-specific rates of domestic in-migration and out-migration if the projections are for the sub-national regions;



(d) Age-specific fertility rates;

(e) Age-parity-specific o/e rates of marital and non-marital fertility;

(f) Age–sex-specific o/e rates of marriage/union formation and dissolution;





(g) Age–sex-specific net rates of leaving the parental home, estimated based on two adjacent census micro data files and the intra-cohort iterative method (Coale, 1984, 1985; Stupp, 1988; Zeng et al., 1994), using the ProFamy software



(3) Demographic summary parameters for the nation or sub-national regions or counties in the baseline and selected future projection years


(a) Total Fertility Rates (TFR) by parity;

(b) Sex-specific life expectancies at birth;

(c) Sex-specific general rates of in-migration and sex-specific general rates of out-migration;

(d) Sex-specific mean ages at first marriage and mean age at births;








The summary measures (e) ~ (j) listed below for the baseline year are automatically estimated by ProFamy software using the census (or population register) micro data file (see Sect. (1)), users will decide whether they keep constant or change in future years:

(e) Total rates of marriages and divorces;

(f) Total rates of cohabitation union formation and dissolution, if cohabitation status is included and the data are available;

(g) Proportion of those aged 45–49 who do not live with parents;

(h) Age–sex-specific proportion of persons living in group quarters (collective households)

√ estimated by ProFamy R software DemoRates or standard statistical software, using the data of census, demographic surveys or population register