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Journal of Population Sciences

Fig. 3 | Genus

Fig. 3

From: Fertility decline and the emergence of excess female survival in post-reproductive ages in Italy

Fig. 3

Source: Istat (1936, 1974) and authors’ calculations

Completed fertility of ever-married women of selected birth cohorts, calculated from retrospective questions in the surveys of 1931 and 1961; in the latter case also specified for low educated women. Italy. A Born before 1887. B Born between 1887 and 1891. Women born before 1887 (A) were observed in 1931 at 45 years and over, and in 1961 at 75 years and over. Women born between 1887 and 1891 (B) were observed in 1931 at 40–44 years, and in 1961 at 70–74 years. “Low” means low educated, i.e., with no or, at most, primary education.

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