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Journal of Population Sciences

Fig. 5 | Genus

Fig. 5

From: Fertility decline and the emergence of excess female survival in post-reproductive ages in Italy

Fig. 5

Source: Istat (1936, 1974) and authors’ calculations

Correlation between cohort fertility and ln (EFSx) in three old age classes, five birth cohorts and 16 Italian regions. Fertility surveys of 1931 and 1961. EFSx stands for excess female survival at three age classes (75–79, 85–89, and 95–99 years). The five cohorts considered are those born in the years 1872–1876, 1882–1886, …, and 1912–1916. Each point represents the combination of ln (EFSx) and cohort fertility for a given region (16), birth cohort (5) and age class (3).

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