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Journal of Population Sciences

Fig. 7 | Genus

Fig. 7

From: Uptake of formal childcare among second generation and native mothers in Belgium: can increasing local childcare availability narrow migrant-native gaps?

Fig. 7

(Source: Belgian Census 2011 linked to longitudinal register data, longitudinal tax return data on childcare expenses and municipality-level data on childcare coverage from K&G and ONE. Calculations by authors)

Probability of using formal childcare at different levels of childcare coverage after controlling for socio-demographic characteristics (with 95% conf. interval), by mothers’ origin group. Predicted probabilities based on Model 4 including municipality fixed effects, coverage (quadratic specification), origin, origin * municipality, origin * coverage (quadratic specification), mothers’ educational level, mother’s age at first childbirth, the age of the first child at the end of the year, and the fathers’ migration background

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