This Thematic Series, "Use and consequences of family policies among migrants and their descendants in Europe," raises two research questions: To what degree do family policies include, and are used by, migrants and their descendants? And, to what extent do such polices promote migrants’ integration into European societies? The collection contains six empirical articles investigating either eligibility or use and consequences of two specific family policy measures: parental leave and external childcare. Collectively, the studies show significant disadvantages among migrant groups in eligibility for family policy measures, and consequently in their use and impacts on further life-course patterns, compared to majority populations. They also demonstrate diverging patterns within migrant populations.
Mussino E., Kraus E. & Milewski N.
Introduction to the Thematic Series: Use and consequences of family policies among migrants and their descendants in Europe
Genus, 79(1), 25.
Duvander, A.-Z., & Koslowski, A
Access to parenting leaves for recent immigrants: a cross-national view of policy architecture in Europe
Genus, 79(1), 8.
Milewski, N., & Brehm, U.
Parental leave policies, work (re)entry, and second birth: Do differences between migrants and non-migrants in Germany increase?
Genus, 79(1), 20.
Eremenko, T., & Unterreiner, U.
Access to formal childcare among families of newly arrived migrants from non-EU countries in France.
Genus, 79(1), 26.
Mussino, E., & Ortensi, L. E.
Childcare in Italy among migrants and natives: who uses which type and why?
Genus, 79(1), 16.
Maes, J., Neels, K., Biegel, N., & Wood, J.
Uptake of formal childcare among second generation and native mothers in Belgium: can increasing local childcare availability narrow migrant-native gaps?
Genus, 79(1), 7.
Trappolini, E., Terzera, L., Rimoldi, S. M. L., & Barbiano Di Belgiojoso, E.
Informal childcare arrangements: a comparison between Italians and migrants.
Genus, 79(1), 17.