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Journal of Population Sciences

Genus Cover Image

Aims and scope

GENUS is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal of population sciences. Founded in 1934 by Corrado Gini, GENUS is among the oldest demography journals in Europe. GENUS publishes articles on topics that include, but are not limited to: family and fertility; ageing; health and mortality; migration and mobility; formal demography; historical demography; relations between population dynamics and biological, environmental, economic, and social change. Former Directors have been: Nora Federici (1965-1992), Antonio Golini (1993-2008), Graziella Caselli (2009-2010), and Viviana Egidi (2011-2018). GENUS is affiliated with Sapienza University of Rome and published under the auspices of the Italian Association for Population Studies (AISP).

The Inequality of Uncertainty - The unequal distribution of old and new forms of uncertainty: how a decade of crises has changed family dynamics in high income countries

GENUS is calling for submissions to our latest collection which aims to gather theoretical and empirical evidence on the unequal distribution of old and new forms of uncertainty and their relationship with family dynamics.

Refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants. Characteristics, trends, determinants, consequences

GENUS is calling for submissions to our latest collection on Refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants. Characteristics, trends, determinants, consequences.

Gender differences in survival across the ages of life

Check out this Topical Collection which focuses on different cases and analyses of gender differences in survival at different ages and stages of life (infancy, adulthood, old age) in a long run perspective.


Learn more about Genus

To find out more about Genus - Journal of Population Sciences, read the interview with Graziella Caselli published in the SpringerOpen blog.

Article Thematic Collections

Recent Thematic Collections


The Inequality of Uncertainty - The unequal distribution of old and new forms of uncertainty: how a decade of crises has changed family dynamics in high income countries
Edited by: Chiara Ludovica Comolli, Marco Albertini
Submission deadline: 31 July 2024


Refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants. Characteristics, trends, determinants, consequences
Edited by: Manuela Stranges, Elena Ambrosetti
Collection first published: 01 May 2023

Use and consequences of family policies among migrants and their descendants in Europe
Edited by: Eleonora Mussino, Elisabeth Kraus & Nadia Milewski
Collection first published: 20 March 2023


Italian grandparenthood within the European context
Edited by:  Karen F. Glaser, Marco Albertini, Bruno Arpino, Cecilia Tomassini.
Collection first published: 27 November 2021

Students’ university mobility patterns in Europe
Edited by: Massimo Attanasio
Collection first published: 21 June 2021

Population perspectives and demographic methods to strengthen Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems
Edited by: Romesh Silva
Collection first published: 22 July 2021

Past Thematic Collections

Past Thematic Collections are available for consultation at this page: Archive of Past Thematic Collections Genus

Call for Thematic Series

Genus welcomes proposals for Thematic Series on a suitable demographic theme. This is an invitation to scholars who are interested in editing a Thematic Series.

Understand the costs and funding options - Fees and funding

GENUS is a 100% Gold Open Access journal. APCs are charged on article acceptance. For further details, see our article-processing charge webpage.

Publishing is not without costs; however, authors do not typically pay the fee themselves, and the way your APC is covered has no bearing on the editorial outcome of your submission.

Did you know that there are almost 200 open access article processing charge (APC) funds available to researchers worldwide? Many funding bodies require that research publications resulting from their grants are made freely available to all. By publishing your research with us you fully comply with open access mandates, and the publishing costs may be entirely covered by the research grant. This means that you won’t have to pay any publishing fee and you retain the copyright. Check here how to discover more..

You may also be eligible for a waiver/discount, based on unavailability of research funding and/or country of origin. Click here to discover more.

Are you still unable to find coverage for your article? SpringerOpen offers a free funding and support service to help authors discover and apply for article processing charge funding. Visit the OA funding and policy support page to learn more about our email support service.


From 2019 to 2024, Sapienza University is fully sponsoring a number of articles. In 2023, AISP is also contributing to the journal sponsorship plan. Authors with no Open Access funding can request the sponsorship by contacting Daniele Vignoli before submitting the manuscript.

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Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 2.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: N/A
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.464
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.089

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 17
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 193

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 380,860
    Altmetric mentions: 467